Sunday, November 25, 2012

Our First RE Appointment

Last week we had our first RE (reproductive endocrinologist) appointment.  This was a big step for us.  We've tried and failed 6 cycles of Clomid and did some fertility testing through my OBGYN.  We knew it was time to take the next step.  I was nervous, excited, and sick about it all at the same time.  Nervous about what the doctor would say, excited about moving forward, and sick about the amount of money that is slowly trickling out of our savings due to infertility.  After a two hour consult with the doctor, three different pokes for a blood draw, a giant bruise on my hand, and additional appointments set up, I feel pretty good about the path we're going down.  I started taking Letrozole (I was on day 4) and Metformin.  Metformin is a drug typically prescribed to people who have diabetes, but commonly given to women trying to conceive due to the connection of insulin and reproductive hormones.  I have my first ever internal ultrasound next week to check to see how my body responded to the Letrozole.  Pending that, I will be injecting myself with Ovidrel and taking it from there. 

I have a sense of peace of where we are at right now.  I feel like we are continuing to move forward and not being stagnant with the process.  We have as much of an understanding as we can at this point and have a tentative plan for moving forward.  I am thankful that the drugs haven't made me too crazy (yet) and I think my husband would even agree with that!  With Thanksgiving weekend coming to an end, it's hard not to be thankful for all of the blessings I have.  Infertility is painful, but I pray it will one day be something that I will be thankful for.       


  1. I tried writing a comment but it didn't here we go again!! Thank you for th link o your blog. I've been blogging for over a year about our journey-you can click on my name and follow it over to my blog. I'll definitely be following you along on your journey!! I'll inbox you on FB later!! Welcome to the blogging world. It helped me tremendously!!

  2. So glad you started a blog! Hope you grow some nice big juicy follicles this month!
