"Ten years ago today, my world was turned upside down and I lost one of the most important people in my life, my mom. "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them." Romans 8:28 Although I miss her more today than ever, I can honestly look back and be thankful for that day ten years ago. For I had an amazing mom for 20 years, it brought our family even closer together, I've learned to truly appreciate the people in my life, and I really don't believe I'd be the imperfect, but perfectly loved by God person I am today. Culvers drive-thru to get a caramel cashew sundae topped off with throwing the cherry out the window in memory of you today, mom! Love and miss you!!"
The anticipation of the anniversary is always worse than the actual day, but it's always a tough one. Floods of emotions and memories come back to that exact day and the days following it. Although remembering brings sadness and pain, it's also hard to forget the love poured down on us from family and friends.
I had my second ultrasound on Friday. Most of it was done with the abdominal ultrasound, thank God! Apparently my ovaries are higher than normal, thus the painful ultrasounds up to this point! I had two follicles growing on the left side, including one that was measuring over 22! I also had two on the right side. They've done some good growing in two days! I've been doing OPKs twice a day since Wednesday and have yet to get a positive (hence the blog title). The plan is to test through Sunday morning, and if I still don't get a positive, then to do the Ovidrel injection and time things out. We'll see how it works out. Next step is to start talking IUI with the doctor so we keep moving forward with dealing with the infertility issues. In the meantime, I will be as patient as I can during the two week wait! :)