Friday, March 22, 2013

...and the results are in...

Wednesday I had the upper GI endoscopy.  It went very smoothly and we were in and out of the hospital within an hour and a half.  I've been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia, so basically my stomach is pushing up into my chest cavity.  Not everyone who has a hiatal hernia has acid reflux problems, and not everyone who has acid reflux issues has a hiatal hernia.  It wasn't too bad of one so surgery isn't needed at all and for right now we just treat the symptoms with doubling the meds and continuing to sleep elevated. 

This morning I had my day 11 ultrasound.  I had 3-4 large follicles on both sides.  In fact, they were so large that the IUI is scheduled for tomorrow morning!  Ahh!!  I was jumping out of my skin all day at work!  I am so excited/nervous/scared/happy/excited/terrified/excited!!  Moving forward gives me a new sense of hope and positive feeling.  So tomorrow morning Austin will make a deposit, we'll putz around at the Costco for an hour, and then we'll go back to the clinic for the procedure.  Afterwards, we'll be able to continue on our day as usual.  I will need some extra prayers for peace these next two weeks as we wait the results of the IUI!


  1. I have a hiatal hernia too. So far meds & diet r working well . Good luck with the IUI:) prayers your way!

  2. I hope everything went well for you yesterday, what an exciting/anxious/scary time for you and Austin. Prayers! - Sarah W.

  3. I hope the IUI went well!! The dreaded's to hoping there is exciting news on the other side!

  4. Hoping your IUI went great! I am crossing my fingers for a big fat BFP at the end of your 2ww!
